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Gissell Arlette Sanchez


Lab Website:

Smrcka Lab and Jutkiewicz Lab

Mexican American, First Generation College Student, Community College Alum, English Second Language, West Coast, Worked Before Gradschool, Grew Up in a Different Country, California, SoCal, Woman In STEM

Hello, my name is Gissell Sanchez. I am Mexican-American with strong roots to my Mexican heritage because I grew up in a small town in Mexico most of my childhood and teenage years. I was born in Long Beach CA, but my parents decided to raise their family in my dad's hometown in Mexico. When I graduated high school in Mexico, I came back to the States to start community college. English is my second language and I have an accent. I found my passion for science through a summer bridge program when I transferred to UC Riverside to earn my Bachelors degree in Neuroscience. In this program, I had the opportunity to work in a research lab during the summer and from that experience I knew I wanted to pursue science as a career and that I wanted to continue my education by going to grad school. I am the first person from my family to ever gradate college. Before I started graduate school, I worked as a lab tech for two years at UC Irvine. Now, I am a third-year PhD student in Pharmacology, studying opioid signaling and loving Neuropharmacology.



Program website:


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